Become a Partner with eduaid

Every year, we help hundreds of skilled individuals, investors and entrepreneurs realise their
dream of moving abroad. With offices in two of the most popular migration destinations in the
world – Australia and Canada, our pool of clients is reaching numbers higher than ever before.

Our expert migration agents and lawyers are registered with the Migration Agents Registration
Authority – MARA (Australia), Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants – RCIC (Canada), and
Immigration Advisers Authority – IAA (New Zealand). Their dedication and expertise ensure that
scores of migrants get the chance to enjoy a new lifestyle, economic and social security, and
new opportunities in life!

Benefits of joining the eduaid Partner Community:

Gain reliability: MARA and RCIC consultants will handle all the cases, provides credibility in
your service industry.

Empowering your Business:

Introducing eduaid’s services add value and enhance the position of your company in the

Catch the Pace:

Migration policy is always changing. As our consultants are always up to date with the latest or
upcoming information, it will help to serve your clients with confidence and ease.

Earn Profits:

Put on our services, assures a valuable contribution to your business.

Enabling your Growth:

We always consider our partners as part of the company, so we are persistently acquainted with
innovative programs specifically designed to drive demand
In short, if you are in services
industry or planning to step in this business your client pool or your network of connections,
and our ability and expertise in helping aspiring migrants realise their dream of skilled and
business migration, is a powerful yet welcome combination.

Collaborating with us will help drive up your revenue and strengthen your reputation.After all,
teamwork makes the dream work!

We are hoping to hear back from you soon!

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