Carer Visa (subclass 116)

Who is this Carer Visa (subclass 116)?

The Carer visa (subclass 116) is a permanent visa which allows the person granted to provide care and assistance to a relative or family member suffering from a lasting or long-term medical condition in Australia.

How can I apply for Carer Visa (subclass 116)?

To apply for this visa:

  • Your primary reason for moving to Australia should be to care for a relative suffering from a permanent or long-term medical condition or to assist a relative providing this care to a family member in Australia.
  • Your relative must be unable to find the proper care and assistance from any other relative in Australia, or local hospital, welfare, or nursing community services.
  • Your relative or their partner must sponsor you.
  • You must be willing to provide substantial and continuing assistance to your relative.
  • You should fully understand what kind of care your relative needs.
  • You must meet the Australian government’s health and character requirements.
  • You must not have any outstanding debts to the Australian government, or have arranged to repay any you might have before this visa can be granted.

Are there any other conditions?

Your relative who needs care must have their medical condition assessed by Bupa Medical Visa Services as being one which renders them unable to tend to their daily routines without assistance.

If you are above 18, you must sign an Australian Values Statement to confirm you will obey all Australian laws while in Australia, and that you will respect the Australian way of life.

Also, if you are applying for this visa to assist a relative care for their family member, then your relative and the family member being cared for must live in the same house.

Your sponsor must also agree to support you for two years after your arrival in Australia.

You cannot apply for this visa if you already hold another Australian visa with a ‘No further stay’ condition.

What is the application process?

You must lodge your visa application from outside Australia, and should remain outside when your visa is granted. You need to have a valid passport to be given this visa. You should provide the necessary documents to the Perth Visa and Citizenship Office, which you can do via post.

You are also required to pay the first instalment of the visa application charge when you first lodge your visa application.

Eduaid can assist you further with the successful gentlemen of your visa application!

What are the features and benefits of Carer Visa (subclass 116)?

The Carer visa (subclass 116) is a permanent visa and lets you stay in Australia indefinitely. It also allows you to:

  •  Stay in Australia as a permanent resident.
  •  Apply for Australian citizenship if you are eligible.
  •  Travel freely to and from Australia for five years starting from the date your visa is issued.
  •  Include your partner and child/step-child in your visa application.

Carer Visa subclass 836

Who is Carer Visa subclass 836 for?

The Carer Visa subclass 836 allows someone to provide substantial and continuing assistance to a relative or a family member of a relative who is suffering from a permanent or long-term medical condition.

How can I apply for Carer Visa subclass 836?

To be eligible for this visa, you must be willing to provide care to your relative in Australia.

  •  Your relative (or their family member) must have a permanent or long-term medical condition.
  •  You relative cannot get the proper assistance needed from another source in Australia.
  •  You must be willing and able to provide continuing assistance.
  •  You must fully understand the kind of assistance your relative needs.
  •  Your relative or their partner must sponsor you.
  •  You must meet the health and character requirements.
  •  You must have no outstanding debts to the Australian government, or have arranged to repay any debts you might have.

Are there any other conditions?

Your relative or their family member must have their medical condition assessed by Bupa Medical Visa Services as being one which requires them to have assistance in attending to the practical aspects of daily life.

Moreover, if you are older than 18, you must sign an Australian Values Statement to confirm that you will respect the Australian way of life, and obey all Australian laws.

Furthermore, your sponsor must agree to support you for two years after the visa is granted.

What is the application process?

The relative you will be caring for must sponsor you for this visa. You must hold a valid passport, and fill out all necessary forms before sending them by post or courier.

For more assistance with lodging your visa application, get in touch with eduaid!

What are the features and benefits of Carer Visa subclass 836?

The Carer Visa subclass 836 is a permanent visa. It lets you:

  •  Stay in Australia indefinitely as a permanent resident.
  •  Apply for Australian citizenship.
  •  Travel to and from Australia with all the benefits of a permanent resident for five years from the date the visa is granted.
  •  Include your partner and child/step-child in your visa application.

Carer Visa (subclass 116 & 836)

This visa is for you if you are a parent of a child or stepchild who, at the time the visa application is lodged, is 'settled' and either an Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen. This means your child must have been lawfully resident in Australia for a reasonable period, normally two years, although a shorter period can be considered for Australian citizen children if there are compelling and compassionate circumstances.

Aged Dependent Relative Visa (subclass 838)

The Aged Dependent Relative visa (subclass 838) is for the elderly, who can stay in Australia permanently if they have an eligible relative in Australia who provides them with financial support.

How do I get Aged Dependent Relative Visa (subclass 838)?

  • You need to be sponsored by a relative – or their partner – who lives in Australia.
  • You should not have a spouse or a de facto partner.
  • You must be financially dependent on your relative in Australia.
  • You should be sufficiently aged to receive the aged pension in Australia.
  • You need to obtain an assurance of support from your sponsor.
  • You need to meet the Australian government’s health and character requirements.
  • You must not have any outstanding debts to the Australian government, or arrange to repay any debts you might have.

Are there any other conditions?

Your sponsor must be at least 18 years old, and be settled in Australia as an Australian citizen or permanent resident, or an eligible citizen of New Zealand.

You also need to sign an Australian Values Statement to confirm that you will abide by and respect the Australian laws and the way of life.

How do I apply for Aged Dependent Relative Visa (subclass 838)?

You need to complete Form 47OF and lodge all the forms together at the relevant address by post or courier.

For further information or help with the application process, you can contact eduaid.

What are the features and benefits of Aged Dependent Relative Visa (subclass 838)?

  • Aged Dependent Relative Visa (subclass 838) allows you to live in Australia indefinitely as a permanent resident.
  • If eligible, you can apply for an Australian citizenship with this visa.
  • You can enter and exit Australia freely for up to five years with this visa.
  • You have the chance to include your child/step-child in your visa application.


Aged Dependent Relative Visa (subclass 114)

The Aged Dependent Relative Visa (subclass 114) can be availed by aged people who are financially dependent on eligible Australian residents, and wish to migrate to Australia.

How do I get Aged Dependent Relative Visa (subclass 114)?

  • You must be wholly or substantially dependent on your eligible relative in Australia for financial support.
  • You must be sponsored by the eligible relative, who should be 18 or older.
  • Your eligible relative, and sponsor, should be settled in Australia as an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or an eligible New Zealand citizen.
  • You should not be married, or have a de facto partner.
  • You should meet the age requirements to be granted an aged pension.
  • You must ensure someone will provide an Assurance of Support.
  • You need to meet the Australian government’s health and character requirements.
  • You cannot have any outstanding debts to the Australian government. If there are any debts, you must make arrangements to repay them before you can apply for the visa.

Are there any other conditions?

Your relative and sponsor must have provided you with financial support for at least three years before you lodge your visa application. You also need to demonstrate that you have been relying on assistance from your eligible relative due to a disability which prevents you from working and supporting yourself.

In addition, you need to sign an Australian Values Statement, and declare that you will respect the Australian way of life, and abide by all Australian laws.

You cannot apply for this visa if you hold another visa with a ‘No further stay’ condition.

How do I apply for Aged Dependent Relative Visa (subclass 114)?

You must lodge your visa application from outside Australia, and stay so when a decision is made on your application. You need to lodge all the forms together, and post them to the Perth Visa and Citizenship Office.

For any kind of assistance regarding applying for the visa, get in touch with Eduaid – your best chance of a foolproof visa application.

What are the features and benefits of Aged Dependent Relative Visa (subclass 114)?

  • With this visa, you can stay in Australia for an indefinite amount of time.
  • Depending on eligibility, this visa even lets you apply for Australian citizenship.
  • You can enter Australia for five years from the day the visa is granted.
  • You can include your child/step-child in your visa application. You can do so even after you lodged your own application, but before a decision is made.

Aged Parent Visa (Subclass 804/864/884)

This visa is for you if you are a parent of a child or stepchild who, at the time the visa application is lodged, is 'settled' and either an Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen. This means your child must have been lawfully settled in Australia for a reasonable period, normally two years, although a shorter period can be considered for Australian citizen children if there are compelling and compassionate circumstances.

Contributory Aged Parent (Permanent) visa (Subclass 864)

Who is this Contributory Aged Parent (Permanent) visa (Subclass 864)?

The Contributory Aged Parent (Permanent) visa (Subclass 864) allows a parent of an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen to arrive and live in Australia permanently.

How do I get Contributory Aged Parent (Permanent) visa (Subclass 864)?

To gain eligibility for Contributory Aged Parent (Permanent) visa (Subclass 864), you need to:

  •  Have a child who is settled in Australia as a citizen or permanent resident, or is an eligible New Zealand citizen.
  •  Be sponsored by your child in Australia, who must be at least 18 years old.
  •  Be eligible for an Age Pension in Australia.
  •  Obtain an Assurance of Support.
  •  Meet the Australian government’s health and character requirements.

Are there any other conditions?

You must not have any outstanding debts to the Australian government, or have arranged to repay any debts you might have.

You might be considered ineligible for this visa if you have had a visa cancelled or refused previously in Australia.

Applicants also have to meet the balance-of-family test, which requires them to have at least half of their children live permanently in Australia, or have more of their children live in Australia than in any other country.

However, you will be exempted from this if:

  •  You currently hold a Contributory Aged Parent (Temporary) visa (subclass 884), or
  •  Your Contributory Aged Parent (Temporary) visa (subclass 884) ended in the immediate 28 days prior to your visa application lodgement, or
  •  Your Contributory Aged Parent (Temporary) visa (subclass 884) ended more than 28 days before you lodge your visa application, but you can show compassionate and convincing reasons to be      allowed to still hold the visa.

How do I apply for Contributory Aged Parent (Permanent) visa (Subclass 864)?

You should be in Australia when you launch your visa application, and when a decision is made on your application. Depending on whether or not you hold the Contributory Aged Parent (Temporary) visa (subclass 884), you need to complete either:

  •  Form 47PT – Application for Migration to Australia by a Contributory Parent (Temporary) or Contributory Aged Parent (Temporary) visa holder, or
  •  Form 47PA – Application for a Parent to Migrate to Australia.

On the other hand, your sponsor needs to complete Form 40 – Sponsorship for Migration to Australia.

For more information and assistance on how to lodge a successful visa application, contact Eduaid – renowned providers of unmatched immigration services.

What are the features and benefits of Contributory Aged Parent (Permanent) visa (Subclass 864)?

The Contributory Aged Parent visa (subclass 864) is a permanent visa, and lets you:

  •  Stay in Australia indefinitely.
  •  Find employment and study opportunities in Australia.
  •  Enjoy the benefits of Medicare – Australia’s scheme for health-related care and expenses.
  •  Sponsor eligible relatives for permanent residence in Australia.
  •  Enter and exit Australia as you please for five years.
  •  Apply for Australian citizenship.

You can also include your partner and child/step-child in your visa application, who will be granted the same rights and obligations – and enjoy the exact same benefits as you – in Australia.

Contributory Aged Parent (Temporary) visa (Subclass 884)

Who is this Contributory Aged Parent (Temporary) visa (Subclass 884)?

The Contributory Aged Parent (Temporary) visa (Subclass 884) allows parents of a settled Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand resident to live in Australia temporarily.

How can I apply for Contributory Aged Parent (Temporary) visa (Subclass 884)?

To be eligible for this visa, you must:

  •  Have a child who is a settled Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen.
  •  Be sponsored by your child, who must be 18 or older.
  •  Be at the age threshold of the Age Pension in Australia.
  •  Meet the balance-of-family test:
    •  At least half of your children must live permanently in Australia, or
    •  More of your children must live permanently in Australia than in any other country.
  •  Meet the Australian government’s health and character requirements.
  •  Have repaid, or arranged to repay, any outstanding debts you might have to the Australian government.

Are there any other conditions?

You cannot extend or reapply for this visa. Instead, if successfully granted this visa, you can go on to apply for the Contributory Aged Parent visa (subclass 864) to live permanently in Australia.

You might be considered ineligible for this visa if you had a visa previously refused or cancelled while in Australia.

What is the application process?

To apply, it is not set in stone for you to hold a valid passport; a recent passport will be good enough. However, you MUST have a valid passport in order to be granted the visa. You need to complete Form 47PA – Application for a Parent to Migrate to Australia, while your sponsor needs to fill out Form 40 – Sponsorship for Migration to Australia. You must provide all the necessary documents when you lodge your application, which you can then send to the Perth office in Western Australia by post or courier.

For more information on visa application processes and visa types, contact Eduaid – pace-setters when it comes to providing top-class immigration services.

What are the features and benefits of Contributory Aged Parent (Temporary) visa (Subclass 884)?

This is a temporary visa, and lasts for two years. It also allows you to:

  •  Work and study in Australia.
  •  Enrol in Medicare – Australia’s national healthcare-related scheme.
  •  Travel as you like to and from Australia for two years from the date the visa is issued.
  •  Apply for a permanent Contributory Aged Parent visa (subclass 864).
  •  Include your partner and child/step-child in your visa application.

Family members who are granted this visa alongside you will have the same rights, obligations, and benefits as you.

Contributory Parent (Temporary) visa (Subclass 173)

Who is Contributory Parent (Temporary) visa (Subclass 173) for?

The Contributory Parent (Temporary) visa (Subclass 173) is for parents of:

  •  A settled Australian citizen,
  •  A permanent resident, or
  •  An eligible New Zealand resident who wish to live in Australia temporarily.

How can I apply for Contributory Parent (Temporary) visa (Subclass 173)?

To be eligible for this visa, you must have a child who is an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or an eligible New Zealand citizen. Moreover,

  •  At least half of your children must live permanently in Australia.
  •  More of your children must live permanently in Australia than in any other country.
  •  You need to be sponsored by your child who should be at least 18 years of age.
  •  You must meet the Australian government’s health and character requirements.
  •  You must have repaid, or arranged to repay, any outstanding debts you might have to the Australian government.

Are there any other conditions?

If you are granted this visa, you can go on to apply for the Contributory Parent (Temporary) visa (Subclass 173), which will let you live in Australia permanently. You can apply for the Contributory Parent (Temporary) visa(subclass 173) before applying for the Contributory Parent visa (subclass 143), as it will allow you to spread the costs of your migration over a number of years.

Sponsors can sponsor more than one parent for the Contributory Parent (Temporary) visa (subclass 173).

Also, note that your visa application might be considered invalid if you have had a visa cancelled or refused while you were in Australia at any previous time.

What is the application process?

You have to submit your visa application from within Australia, and you must have a valid passport. You need to complete Form 47PA – Application for a Parent to Migrate to Australia, while your sponsor needs to complete Form 40 – Sponsorship for Migration to Australia.

After completing all the steps, you can send your application by post or courier to the Perth office in Western Australia. For more information and assistance on this, contact Eduaid.

What are the features and benefits of Contributory Parent (Temporary) visa (Subclass 173)?

The Contributory Parent (Temporary) visa (subclass 173) has a validity period of two years. It lets you:

  •  Live in Australia for up to two years from the date it is issued.
  •  Work and study in Australia during your stay in the country.
  •  Avail the benefits of Medicare – Australia’s national scheme for health-related care and expenses.
  •  Travel to and from Australia as you please for two years from the date the visa is granted.
  •  Apply for a permanent Contributory Parent visa (subclass 143).
  •  Include your partner and your child or step-child in your visa application.

Your family members who will be granted this visa will have the same rights and obligations as you, and enjoy the same benefits.

Contributory Parent (Permanent) visa (Subclass 143)

Who is this Contributory Parent (Permanent) visa (Subclass 143)?

The Contributory Parent (Permanent) visa (Subclass 143). It lets the parents of a settled Australian citizen, permanent resident, or an eligible New Zealand citizen live in Australia permanently.

How do I apply?

To be granted Contributory Parent (Permanent) visa (Subclass 143), you must:

  •  Have a child who is a settled Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen.
  •  Be sponsored by your child, who is 18 or older.
  •  Obtain an Assurance of Support.
  •  Meet the health and character requirements.
  •  Have repaid or arranged to repay any outstanding debts you might have to the Australian government.

Are there any other conditions?

Sponsors can sponsor more than one parent for this visa.

Before you apply for this visa, you could apply for the Contributory Parent (Temporary) visa (subclass 173). Although it will cost more, the costs will be spread out over a longer period of time.

Your visa application might be rejected if you had a visa previously cancelled or refused in Australia.

What is the application process?

You need to have a valid passport in order to be granted this visa. You can lodge your application from either within Australia, or from outside.

  •  If you hold a Contributory Parent (Temporary) visa (subclass 173), you need to complete Form 47PT – Application for Migration to Australia by a Contributory Parent (Temporary) or Contributory Aged Parent (Temporary) visa holder.
  •  If you do not hold a Contributory Parent (Temporary) visa (subclass 173), you need to complete Form 47PA – Application for a Parent to Migrate to Australia.
  •  Your sponsor needs to complete Form 40 – Sponsorship for Migration to Australia.

You can send your application by post or courier to the Perth office in Western Australia.

For any kind of assistance regarding lodging your visa application, enlist the help of Eduaid – the immigration specialists you can consult.

What are the features and benefits of Contributory Parent (Permanent) visa (Subclass 143)

This is a permanent visa, and let you:

  •  Stay in Australia indefinitely.
  •  Work and study in Australia.
  •  Enjoy the benefits of Medicare – Australia’s national scheme for health-related care and expenses.
  •  Sponsor eligible relatives for permanent residence in Australia.
  •  Travel to and from Australia as you please for five years from the day your visa is granted.
  •  Apply for Australian citizenship, if eligible.
  •  Include your partner and your or your partner’s child or step-child in your visa application.

Your family members who are granted this visa will be able to enjoy the same benefits as you under Contributory Parent (Permanent) visa (Subclass 143), and will have the same rights and obligations.