ICT Professionals In Australia

Are you a skilled person wanting to live and work in Australia? It allows you and your family members to come in Australia and this visa leads to citizenship. With New Migration Program Year knocking at the door, a lot more professions are expected to get access for Australia Skilled Migration. For getting a front stand in the queue for Australian migration, the proceedings should be started immediately to avoid a lifelong repentance.

What are the Basic Requirements for ICT Professionals Skilled Migration?

ICT Professionals should have a required education and multiple years of successful professional experience for skilled migration. The current ICT Professionals skilled immigration requirement for Australia is:

  • Age should be below 45 years;
  • At least Bachelor / Masters degree completed;
  • Should have experience on eligible occupation;
  • At least one year of post-study work experience for most occupations;
  • Should achieve at least 60 points according to DIBP specification;
  • Should have good command on English (Min. IELTS score 6.0 should be provided later);

Benefits of an ICT Professionals Visa

Obtaining an ICT Professionals Visa offers several advantages that can significantly impact your career and lifestyle.

Work and Live in Australia

The visa allows you to work in Australia in your nominated occupation for the duration specified in the visa grant. This provides an opportunity to gain valuable international work experience, collaborate with professionals from diverse backgrounds, and explore the vibrant Australian job market.

Pathway to Permanent Residency

The ICT Professionals Visa can serve as a pathway to permanent residency in Australia. After fulfilling certain requirements and demonstrating your commitment to the country, you may be eligible to apply for permanent residency through skilled migration programs.

Access to Healthcare and Social Security

As a visa holder, you and your family members may be eligible for Medicare, Australia’s public healthcare system. Additionally, you may have access to social security benefits, ensuring a secure and comfortable living environment.

Education Opportunities

Australia is home to world-renowned educational institutions. As an ICT Professionals Visa holder, you and your family members can access quality education and avail yourself of various scholarships and educational benefits.

Quality of Life

Australia offers an exceptional quality of life with its diverse landscapes, vibrant cities, and welcoming culture. From stunning beaches to breathtaking natural wonders, the country provides a perfect balance between work and leisure.

Challenges and Considerations

While the ICT Professionals Visa presents exciting opportunities, it is essential to consider certain challenges and factors before making your decision.


The visa program attracts a large number of skilled professionals from around the world. As a result, the competition for invitations can be intense. It is crucial to highlight your unique skills and qualifications to stand out from the crowd.

Visa Application Process

The visa application process can be complex and time-consuming. Attention to detail is crucial, as even minor errors or omissions can lead to delays or visa refusal. Seeking assistance from experienced migration professionals can streamline the process and increase your chances of success.

Meeting the Criteria

Meeting the eligibility criteria, such as educational qualifications and work experience, can be challenging for some individuals. It is important to assess your profile and address any gaps or shortcomings before initiating the visa application process.

Adaptation to Australian Culture

Moving to a new country involves adapting to a different culture and lifestyle. Australian culture may have its unique nuances and social norms. It is important to be open-minded and prepared to embrace the diversity and multiculturalism that Australia offers.

Skilled Migration to New Zealand

Migration to a new country opens up exciting opportunities for individuals seeking personal growth and professional development. One such destination that has gained popularity among skilled professionals is New Zealand. With its breathtaking landscapes, vibrant culture, and a strong economy, New Zealand offers a promising environment for those looking to enhance their careers and enjoy an exceptional quality of life. In this article, we will explore the process and benefits of skilled migration to New Zealand.

Benefits of Skilled Migration to New Zealand

Skilled migration to New Zealand brings numerous benefits, both for individuals and the country as a whole. Firstly, it contributes to the economic growth of New Zealand. Skilled migrants fill gaps in the local labor market, addressing skill shortages in sectors such as healthcare, IT, engineering, and construction. By attracting talent from around the world, New Zealand can foster innovation and competitiveness, boosting productivity and creating job opportunities for its residents.

Additionally, skilled migration enhances cultural diversity in New Zealand. The influx of professionals from various backgrounds enriches the country’s social fabric, promoting cultural understanding and tolerance. This diversity creates a vibrant and inclusive society that values different perspectives and experiences, ultimately strengthening the nation’s identity.

Eligibility Criteria for Skilled Migration

To be eligible for skilled migration to New Zealand, individuals must meet certain criteria. The country operates on a points-based system, where applicants accumulate points based on factors such as age, qualifications, work experience, and job offers. The higher the points, the more likely an applicant will receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for a resident visa.

Moreover, the New Zealand government maintains a skill shortages list, which highlights occupations in high demand. Having skills and qualifications aligned with the shortages list increases an individual’s chances of successfully immigrating to New Zealand. Additionally, proficiency in the English language is essential, as it demonstrates the ability to communicate effectively in the workplace and the community.

Steps to Apply for Skilled Migration to New Zealand

The application process for skilled migration involves several key steps. First, individuals must submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) through the official New Zealand immigration system. The EOI provides information about the applicant’s skills, qualifications, work experience, and other relevant details. Based on the points accumulated, eligible candidates may receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for a resident visa.

Once an ITA is received, applicants need to gather all the required documents and submit a complete application. This includes evidence of qualifications, work experience, English language proficiency, and health and character assessments. It is crucial to provide accurate and comprehensive information to ensure a smooth and efficient application process.

Skilled Occupation List and Shortage Areas in New Zealand

New Zealand maintains a Skilled Occupation List that outlines occupations experiencing shortages within the country. The list is periodically updated to reflect the changing demands of the labor market. Occupations such as healthcare professionals, IT specialists, engineers, tradespeople, and teachers are often in high demand. Additionally, certain regions within New Zealand may have specific skill shortages, offering unique opportunities for migrants with relevant expertise.

Recognized Qualifications and Work Experience

When applying for skilled migration to New Zealand, overseas qualifications and work experience must be assessed to ensure their relevance and compatibility with local standards. The New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) evaluates overseas qualifications, providing an equivalent level on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF). Similarly, work experience is evaluated to determine its relevance and alignment with local industry requirements.

Integration and Settlement Support for Skilled Migrants

New Zealand recognizes the importance of supporting skilled migrants in their integration and settlement process. Various settlement services are available to assist newcomers in adapting to their new environment. These services may include language courses, employment support, information on housing and healthcare, and guidance on accessing community networks. Such support aims to facilitate a smooth transition and enable migrants to establish a fulfilling life in New Zealand.

Permanent Residency and Citizenship

Skilled migrants who meet the eligibility criteria can pursue permanent residency in New Zealand. Permanent residency grants individuals the right to live, work, and study indefinitely in the country. After living in New Zealand for a certain period and fulfilling additional requirements, migrants can also apply for New Zealand citizenship. Becoming a citizen offers additional benefits, including the ability to participate in elections and access a wider range of social services.

Challenges and Considerations for Skilled Migrants

While skilled migration to New Zealand presents exciting opportunities, it is essential to consider the challenges that may arise. Cultural adaptation can be a significant aspect to navigate, as migrants adjust to a new way of life, social norms, and customs. Additionally, the cost of living and housing market dynamics should be carefully evaluated, particularly in high-demand areas such as Auckland and Wellington. Adequate research and planning can help migrants overcome these challenges and make informed decisions.


Are you a business person wanting to live and work in New Zealand? This pathway allows you and your family members to come to New Zealand and ultimately apply for citizenship.

Entrepreneur Visa

Business Migration to New Zealand – Entrepreneur Visa

If you are an experienced business person looking to migrate to New Zealand, you should consider the Entrepreneur visa as your pathway to the country. With this visa, you can bring your business skills and operations over to New Zealand, and obtain permanent residency in the country!

What is an Entrepreneur Visa?

New Zealand’s Entrepreneur visa is a 36-month business migration visa which lets experienced business people and entrepreneurs work in their own business in the country. With this visa, you can move to New Zealand to buy or establish your business, and obtaining the Entrepreneur visa is your first step towards permanent residency in New Zealand!

This visa is structured in two stages: Start-up stage and Balance stage.

Start-up stage

In this stage, you will be given an initial 12-month visa to buy or establish your business in New Zealand.

Balance stage

This stage is for you to show the New Zealand government that you have taken the necessary steps to establish your business in New Zealand. Once you’ve done this, you will be granted the remaining 24 months of your Entrepreneur visa.

What are the eligibility factors?

To qualify for the Entrepreneur visa, you must:

  • Provide a detailed business plan;
  • Be able to invest at least NZ $100,000 in your business (excluding working capital);
  • Score at least 120 points on the New Zealand points scale (based on factors such as the likelihood of the business being successful);
  • Have a clean recent history of business failure, bankruptcy and fraud;
  • Meet the health, character and English Language requirements.

You should also note that if your business is in the science or ICT sectors and shows admirable innovation or export potential, the NZ $100,000 capital investment requirement might be waived!

What happens after I obtain the Entrepreneur visa?

Once your visa application gets the green light, you will be granted a 12-month residence in the start-up stage of your Entrepreneur visa. During this time, you can come to New Zealand – along with your partner and dependent children aged 19 or younger – and buy or establish your business in the country.

Once you have set up your business, you will be granted the remaining 24 months of the Entrepreneur visa in the balance stage.

How do I apply for permanent residency?

Based on the progress of your business, you can go on to apply for permanent residency in New Zealand!

There are two pathways to permanent residency in New Zealand:

Entrepreneur Residence Category (2 years)

You can apply for permanent residency in New Zealand if you are self-employed in your purchased or established business in the country for at least two years. Your business must also have significantly benefitted New Zealand.

Entrepreneur Residence Category (6 monssths)

This is essentially a fast-track to permanent residency in New Zealand. You can apply under this category if you invest at least NZ $500,000 in your business, and create at least three new full-time jobs for New Zealand citizens or residents.

Who can help me with applying for the Entrepreneur visa?

For professional immigration services regarding business migration to New Zealand, get in touch with eduaid! Our friendly and dedicated immigration consultants are licensed by the New Zealand Immigration Advisers Authority and are officially recognised by the New Zealand government! We will guide you through the entire Entrepreneur visa application process, and bring you one step closer to permanently immigrating to New Zealand!

Visit our offices, or call our immigration consultants for more information!


Skilled Visa

In a country growing as quickly as New Zealand, there is an ongoing need for highly skilled and educated workers. As a way of encouraging skilled migrants to make New Zealand their new long term home and place of employment, New Zealand has streamlined the application and acceptance procedures for individuals and families that meet the criteria of the Skilled Migrant Category.

To be eligible under the Skilled Migrant Category, you must be between 20 and 55 years of age, meet all health and character requirements, and be proficient in the English language. The process takes four steps, outlined here:


Submit an Expression of Interest


The first step in applying for a Skilled Migrant visa is submitting what is called an Expression of Interest (EOI). This form determines your suitability in two main areas – general background information and the Skilled Migrant point system – and you will claim points for skills, work experience and other factors.

It is recommended that candidates submit their applications online – it’s cheaper, credit card payments can be made securely, and you will be notified as soon as your EOI has been entered into the pool.

The first section requires standard immigration information designed to help Immigration New Zealand ensure that you (and any members of your family who may accompany you) are in good health, of good character and that you don’t present a security risk.

The EOI pool draw

When you send in your EOI it will only be entered into the selection pool if you have a job offer or your points total 100 or more. Applicants with 140 or more points are selected automatically to apply. If there are places remaining, Immigration New Zealand will select as many additional applicants with points of 100 or more as possible during the fortnightly selection.

Your partner and children may be included on your EOI form. All information on your Expression of Interest will be verified at this stage; any deliberate omission or misinformation will result in a denial, so be sure the information you provide is accurate.

The more training and qualifications you can prove, the more points you will be awarded, including on-the-job experience. If you are a qualified worker in one of New Zealand’s areas of skill shortage, and if you have a job offer or are already working in New Zealand, more points will be added to your score.

If you are considered a suitable candidate for a visa based on the EOI criteria, you will be sent an invitation to apply, at which stage you will be required to provide evidence of the claims made in your EOI.

Your invitation to apply

If you are selected from the EOI pool, you will be sent an official invitation to apply (ITA). At this stage you will have to show proof of all claims made in your EOI, including medical and police checks, proof of English language proficiency, and documentation regarding your skills, education and experience.

The application package you receive will include the information you provided it your EOI. It is your responsibility at this stage to verify the accuracy of the information and provide supporting documentation.

NB: The date that you make your SMC residence application with Immigration New Zealand determines the policy that your application will be assessed against. Therefore, the policy that was current when you submitted your EOI, or current when your EOI was selected from the pool, is not necessarily the policy that your SMC residence application will be assessed against.

Assessment and Approval

Once your application has been received, you will be assessed for New Zealand residence. In addition to verifying that you meet all requirements, you will also be assessed on your anticipated ability to settle successfully in New Zealand. At this stage, some candidates may be required to undergo an interview.

If you meet the criteria, and you are believed to have the characteristics to settle in and contribute to New Zealand, you will be offered a residence visa or permit. Some candidates will receive a work to residence permit, instead, which will give them nine months to obtain employment, at which time their ability to contribute will have been verified and residence will be approved.

Canada Work Permits 101

Canadian Work Permits 101

The main requirement for entering the Canadian labour market is obtaining a work permit. Having a Canadian work permit will allow you to become a part of the Canadian foreign worker family of more than 300,000 individuals. To find more on how to obtain a Canadian work permit, read on below!

Applying for a Canadian Work Permit

To obtain a Canadian work permit, you need to follow a two-step process.

Step 1

You must embark on your quest of obtaining a work permit by applying for a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) from Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC). Your Canadian employer must take care of the domestic recruitment efforts, and demonstrate that your position cannot be fulfilled by any local employee.

Step 2

Once you are issued a positive LMIA, you are in the clear to apply for a Canadian work permit!Your work permit can be either Employer Specific, or an Open work permit.

An important point you must keep in mind is that in order to change employers, you must obtain a new work permit before you can join your new job.

How Long do Work Permits Last?

None of the work permits last indefinitely, and have an expiration date. The Canadian government puts a 4-year limit on the total amount of time individuals can work in Canada – either continuously or with periods of gaps in between.

Once you have worked your allotted 4 years, you must exit the country and remain outside for at least 4 years before you can obtain another work permit.

Note that if you want to work indefinitely in Canada, you can do so with a permanent residency.

What about the Open Work Permit?

An Open work permit is different than an employer specific one in the sense that it does not bind you to any specific occupation or employer. Moreover, the Open work permit also waives the requirement of a positive LMIA and an offer of employment.

Individuals who can apply for Open work permits include:

  • Spouses or common-law partners of temporary foreign workers in a level 0, A or B occupation, according to the National Occupation Classification (NOC);
  • The spouses or common-law partners of foreign students currently studying full-time;
  • Recent International graduates from a Canadian post-secondary institution.

Are there Any Occupations which are Exempt from a Work Permit?

Yes! There are a few occupations you can qualify for without needing a Canadian work permit:

  • Athletes and Team Members
  • Aviation Accident or Incident Inspector
  • Business Visitors
  • Civil Aviation Inspector
  • Clergy
  • Convention Organisers
  • Examiners and Evaluators
  • Expert Witnesses or Investigators
  • Family Members or Foreign Representatives
  • Foreign Government Officers
  • Foreign Representatives
  • Health Care Students
  • Implied Status
  • Judges, Referees, and Similar Officials
  • Military Personnel
  • News Reporters, Media Crews
  • On-campus Employment
  • Performing Artists
  • Public Speakers
  • Transportation Crew

Who can Help Me Gain a Canadian Work Permit?

Your best solution for applying for a Canadian work permit is eduaid!We have been in this practice for almost 20 years, and our experience and history of successful applications has allowed us to set industry standards from day one. Whether you want to apply for an employer specific or an open work permit – we have you covered! Simply get in touch and set up an appointment, and we will take care of the rest!

Parent and Grandparent Super Visa

Family Class Sponsorship Program – Parent and Grandparent Super Visa

One of the five different streams under the Family Class Sponsorship Program is the Parent and Grandparent Super Visa.It allowseligible parents and grandparents to visit their family for up to two years.They can apply for a renewal afterwards, which can grant them re-entry in Canada for up to 10 years! This alone makes this visa much, much more advantageous than the regular visitor visa. To know more about the Parent and Grandparent Super Visa, read on below!

Who can qualify for this Program?

The very basic eligibility requirement is that the applicant must be the parent or grandparent of a Canadian citizen or permanent resident. Plain and simple!

However, do note that dependents of eligible parents or grandparents cannot qualify for the Parent and Grandparent Super Visa.

Tell me about the procedure for this Program.

Sure! In order to apply for the Parent and Grandparent Super Visa, the applicant must provide a letter of invitation – along with proof of the relationship – from their Canadian citizen or permanent resident child or grandchild.

The child or grandchild must then sign a contract to ensure that they will provide the necessary financial support to the Super Visa applicant, and show that they meet the minimum income necessary.

The applicant also has to undergo a medical examination to prove that they will have Canadian medical insurance for a period of at least 1 year.

Most importantly, though, the applicant needs to ensure to the visa officer that they will leave Canada voluntarily upon the expiry of their visa.

When making the visa decision, the visa officer will refer to the following factors regarding the applicant’s:

  • Invitation by the Canadian citizen or permanent resident child or grandchild
  • Family and financial situation
  • Ties to their home country
  • Reason(s) for visiting Canada
  • Overall economic and political stability of their home country.

Great! Is there anything else that I need to know?

One additional thing you should be aware of is that Super Visa applicants will also need to apply for a Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) before they can be issued a Super Visa. This will allow the applicant to travel freely between Canada and their home country as they please, without having to re-apply for a TRV every time they want to return to Canada.

Applicants can request for a multiple-entry visa for up to ten years, and pay the multiple-entry fee along with their visa application.

Perfect! Can you recommend some good immigration experts?

We’ll recommend the best – eduaid! When it comes to global leaders in immigration, nobody can hold a candle to eduaid! An experience of more than 18 years, the highest qualified immigration consultants and agents, the best priced packages, and the fact that our consultants will go the extra mile to ensure you get your Super Visa is what sets us apart from everyone else!

Visit our website to know more, or give us a call to set up an appointment!

Family Class Sponsorship Program

Reunite with Your Family in Canada with the Family Class Sponsorship Program!

One of the main reasons why Canada is such a popular immigration destination is because of the way the Canadian government celebrates family unity and values. As such, there are a number of Canadian immigration laws which prioritise family reunification in Canada through several streams. If you plan on having your family members join you in Canada, then this guide is an essential reading for you!

What is this program?

The Canadian Family Class Sponsorship program allows you to sponsor your family members who want to immigrate to Canada. Not only this, but you can have them join you in Canadaas permanent residents!

This program must be followed in the following order:

  1. You must submit your sponsorship application, after being approved through a separate application to become a sponsor.
  2. Your foreign national family member must submit their application for permanent residency.

Tell me about the different types of sponsorship options.

There are five different streams you can apply under:

  1. Spousal Sponsorship –Married couples, common-law partners and conjugal partners can apply for sponsorship under this stream.
  2. Parent and Grandparent Sponsorship –You can apply for this stream if you are looking to sponsor your parents or grandparents in order for them to join you in Canada. However, this stream is temporarily closed at the moment.
  3. Parent and Grandparent Super Visa –An alternative to the Parent and Grandparent Sponsorship, this stream lets your parents and grandparents easily visit you in Canada for up to 2 years at a time. This super visa can have a validity period of up to 10 years!
  4. Dependent Child Sponsorship and Other Sponsorship –This stream is for parents who wish to sponsor their dependent children to join them in Canada. Adopted children, as well as other orphaned family members, can qualify as recipients of the sponsorship.
  5. Provincial Family Class Sponsorship –You can also consider other family class sponsorship programs under the provincial nominee program (PNP). These options operate at a provincial level, and are not part of the federal Family Class Sponsorship Program.

Great! How do I qualify as a sponsor?

Once you identify the stream which best suits your situation, you can apply to be a sponsor. Sponsorships can be offered only by Canadian citizens and permanent residents who are 18 years and older.

Moreover, you must sign an agreement – along with the recipient –confirming that each of you understand your responsibilities and obligations.You must also sign a contract to support your family member by providing the essentials.

Furthermore, if you wish to be a sponsor but currently live outside Canada, you must provide evidence of living exclusively in Canada once the recipient of your sponsorship becomes a Canadian permanent resident.

There are also some limitations to being a sponsor. You cannotbe a sponsor if you:

  • Have previously sponsored another person and less than three years have passed since that person gained permanent residency;
  • Have received any kind of social assistance for reasons other than a disability;
  • Are in default of an undertaking, family support payments, performance bond, or immigration loan;
  • Have been convicted of certain crimes and are yet to be pardoned;
  • Have been previously sponsored as a spouse, and less than five years have passed since you became a permanent resident;
  • Are under a removal order;
  • Are under detention in a penal institution.

I’m all set to apply! How do I proceed?

Once everything checks out for you, head over to eduaid! Our team of globally renowned immigration consultants have the highest success rate when it comes to lodging sponsorship applications, and will ensure that your family member joins you in Canada at the earliest! Visit our website, or give us a call, to set up an appointment and get started on your sponsorship process!


One of the main reasons why Canada is such a popular immigration destination is because of the way the Canadian government celebrates family unity and values. As such, there are a number of Canadian immigration laws which prioritise family reunification in Canada through several streams. If you plan on having your family members join you in Canada, then this guide is an essential reading for you!

Start-Up Visa Program

The Canadian Start-Up Visa Program – Combining Innovative Ideas with Permanent Residence!

Innovation is appreciated throughout the globe. New concepts and ideas act as the threshold for newer opportunities, and often have the potential of being the next big thing. If you have a creative mind and are looking to take your new ideas abroad, you can easily do so to Canada with the Start-Up Visa Program!

What is this Program about?

The Start-Up Visa Program is a leading Canadian immigration project, and is widely regarded as the first of its kind. It allows successful applicants to connect with private organizations in Canada and gain funding – as well as guidance and expertise – for establishing and operating their new business in Canada. On top of that, you will also be granted permanent residence in Canada!

Sweet! What are the requirements of this Program?

Eligibility requirements for this Program include the following:

  1. Letter of Support and Commitment Certificate

You must obtain a letter of support from a designated investor organization by convincing a designated venture capital fund or angel investor group to fund your proposed business. The investor organization must also provide a Commitment Certificate to Citizenship and Immigration Canada.


  1. Investment

If funded by a designated venture capital fund, you must secure an investment of at least $200,000 CAD. If your business is funded by a designated angel investor group, then the invested

amount must be a minimum of $75,000 CAD.


  1. Language

    You must have impeccable communication skills in English and/or French. You need to provide language test results from an approved agency, and meet the minimum level of CLB 5 in either English or French.


  1. Education

In order to apply for the Start-Up Visa Program you must have completed an education of at least one year from a post-secondary institution. In addition, you must also have been in good standing for at least one year while attending your post-secondary institution. As proof of this requirement, you can provide transcripts, certificates, degrees, diplomas, or a letter of good standing along with your application.


  1. Sufficient Settlement Funds

You need to provide evidence of sufficient settlement funds to support your and your family’s stay in Canada upon immigration. The amount of funds you need to show depends on the

number of family members who will accompany you to Canada.


  1. Security and Medical Clearances

Finally, you must provide the necessary security and medical clearances – along with your family members – to verify that there is no security threat about you, or that you have a health condition that might put a strain on the Canadian health care system.


Also, you must intend to live outside the province of Quebec once you immigrate.

Are there any other advantages to this Program?

Yes! Another thing that sets the Start-Up Visa Program apart from its equivalents is that even if your proposed and funded business fails, you will still get to retain your permanent residence in Canada! You’d be hard-pressed to find such advantages anywhere else, wouldn’t you agree?

Great! What are the Designated Investor Groups for this Program?

The Venture Capital Funds include:

  • BDC Venture Capital
  • Blackberry Partners Fund II LP (doing business as Relay Ventures Fund II)
  • Celtic House Venture Partners
    • Celtic House Venture Partners Fund III L.P.
    • Celtic House Venture Partners Fund IV LP
  • DRI Capital Inc.
  • Golden Opportunities Fund Inc.
  • iNovia Capital Inc.
  • New Brunswick Innovation Foundation Inc.
  • Northwater Intellectual Property Fund
  • OMERS Ventures Management Inc.
  • Pangaea Ventures Fund III, LP
  • PRIVEQ Capital Funds
    • PRIVEQ III Limited Partnership
    • PRIVEQ IV Limited Partnership
  • Quorum Group
    • Advantage Growth (No.2) L.P.
    • Ontario SME Capital Corporation
    • Quorum Investment Pool Limited Partnership
    • Quorum Secured Equity Trust
  • Rho Canada Ventures
  • Summerhill Venture Partners Management Inc.
  • Tandem Expansion Management Inc.
  • Vanedge Capital Limited Partnership
  • Version One Ventures
  • Wellington Financial LP
  • Westcap Mgt. Ltd.
  • Yaletown Venture Partners Inc.


On the other hand, the Angel Investor Groups include:

  • Angel One Network Inc.
  • First Angel Network Association
  • Golden Triangle Angel Network

Perfect! How do I start the application process?

Once you have everything ready, head over to eduaid! Our expert team of immigration consultants and agents will ensure that you have everything you need, and will work tirelessly in order to prepare your visa application perfectly! Contact us today, and let us take care of the rest!

Give us a call to set up an appointment, or visit our website to see our packages!