Western Australia to make skilled migration program more accessible for students

western australia migration

Western Australia to make skilled migration program more accessible for students

Western Australia has announced that it will extend its skilled migration program by including certain levels of vocational education and training to the program.

The Graduate stream of the skilled migration program was previously open only for international students who had already completed a two-year course nominated in the Graduate Occupation List (GOL) at a Western Australian university.

However, it is now available to all students – along with university graduates – who are currently studying vocational courses in Western Australia.

Students who enroll in Certificate III or above vocational training courses can add their experience and qualifications towards the two-year study requirement for the Graduate stream of the skilled migration program.

Moreover, students who have completed a CRICOS coded vocational education, English Language intensive, will have their higher education qualifications counted towards the study requirement for obtaining a state nomination in Western Australia.

Furthermore, applicants with a firm grasp on English will be awarded an additional 10 points on their skilled migration application.

As a result, migration to Western Australia will be more accessible than ever to students and diploma course holders.

The new rules apply to the Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190) and the Skilled Regional visa (subclass 491).

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