Top five reasons why British Columbia should be your immigration destination

british columbia immigration

Top five reasons why British Columbia should be your immigration destination

British Columbia is among the most popular Canadian provinces when it comes to skilled and business immigration. The region is the third-largest metropolitan area in Canada and has a thriving economy with excellent career prospects and business opportunities. Below we take a look at five of the top reasons why you should consider immigrating to British Columbia.

1. Business and Job Opportunities

British Columbia has one of the most prosperous economies in all of Canada. It has the largest port in the country, where cargo worth nearly $200 million is handled every day. The cities of Victoria and Vancouver also have flourishing financial systems, with no shortage of investment and entrepreneurship opportunities!


In addition, the unemployment rate is nominal, and it is expected that up to 500,000 new jobs will be created by 2020. With a number of industries including biotechnology, alternative fuels and software development, you are sure to find job opportunities in your area of expertise!

2. Permanent Residency

British Columbia’s provincial nominee program (BC PNP) is a big hit among skilled and business migrants alike. The program focuses on inviting skilled and qualified individuals to immigrate to the province and join the workforce in order to meet the labor market needs. Investors and entrepreneurs who want to actively manage an existing business or start a new one in British Columbia are also encouraged to apply under this program.


There are a number of other pathways under the BC PNP you can apply for, and obtain permanent residency in Canada! Moreover, you can also avail the benefits of Express Entry to Canada!


3. Quality of Life

In terms of the quality of life, British Columbia ranks among the best places worldwide. The province is situated between the Pacific Ocean and the Rocky Mountains, which make the landscape and scenery breathtaking. There is a cornucopia of outdoor activities, ranging from sailing and golfing in the summer to skiing, snowboarding and ice climbing in the winter. There are also scores of idyllic sightseeing spots in the province, including the Glacier National Park and the Ainsworth Hot Springs.


4. Education

Another of British Columbia’s major strengths is its quality of education. There are 11 public and 5 private universities in the province, including the University of British Columbia (UBC), which is ranked 2nd in Canada and 35th worldwide.


In addition, British Columbia has government-funded elementary and high schools where your children can get the highest quality of education!


5. Healthcare

British Columbia has a universal, publicly funded healthcare system for its residents. As a permanent resident, you can avail the essential healthcare services at the leading medical facilities in the world, free of cost! The fact that the province allocates nearly 21 per cent of its budget to the healthcare sector shows just how dedicated and reliable the healthcare is for permanent residents!


In short, British Columbia should be top of your list of potential immigration destinations. You will be able to obtain permanent residency in Canada under the BC PNP, and avail a plethora of benefits afterwards! Take the first step towards immigration now, and thank us later!

For more information on immigration to Canada, give us a call and set up an appointment with our RCIC registered migration agents!