Skilled Migrants Given Vote of Confidence by South Australia Premier

South Australia Premier

Skilled Migrants Given Vote of Confidence by South Australia Premier

South Australia Premier Steven Marshall has called on skilled migrants to choose South Australia as their next destination.

Speaking to the press, he asked Prime Minister Scott Morrison to allow more young skilled migrants to enter the country in a bid to help the regional areas grow.

Regional areas such as South Australia and Tasmania have vastly different needs compared to Sydney and Melbourne, which Premier Steven Marshall was keen to point out to the Prime Minister.

“What we’re rooting for are further Designated Area Migration Agreements (DAMAs) with less complexities so that we can get more skilled migrants to move to the areas where they are needed most in Australia.”

Premier Steven Marshall’s plan includes for a greater number of incentives for international students, and providing them with opportunities to continue to live in South Australia after the completion of their studies.

This was endorsed by Business SA chief executive Nigel McBride, who said that the migration policy was being set at a national level, influenced largely by the complaints out of Sydney and Melbourne.

“We need to recognise the huge need of skilled migrants not only in South Australia, but also throughout regional Australia,” he said.

Immigration has been a hot topic in Australia over the last few weeks, with the current migrant intake cap of 190,000 migrants being discussed by a section of the Australian government.

However, the regional areas are facing an increasing need for population growth – SA’s population growth is alarmingly less than half the national average, at only 0.7 per cent.

As a result, more and more calls out of the regional areas are making the case for migrants ever stronger.

For more information on how to apply for the right visa to migrate to Australia, contact eduaid – migration experts recognised and certified by the Australian government.