Nominated Skilled Visa – ACT 190 Program Revamped

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Nominated Skilled Visa – ACT 190 Program Revamped

The ACT 190 Nomination program is set to be renewed starting from 29 November 2018.

The latest update to the Nominated Skilled Migration 190 program sees the introduction of a new process for determining nominated applicants, which will replace the previously used first-come, first-serve system with a merit-based system.

The program will be made available after the ACT Government’s current system goes Offline on Tuesday, 27 November, allowing the new system to be launched two days later.

This new assessment matrix is designed to cater to the supply and demand throughout the year, and address the ACT’s skills requirements more precisely.

The 190 program will assess a number of factors supporting necessary and successful contribution to the ACT economy, including previous residence, English proficiency, and employment in the ACT.

Moreover, the program will resume its continued focus on in-demand occupations.

There will be an initial offering of approximately 500 places for the remainder of the 2018-2019 financial year.

The Process

The new process will require applicants to express their interest in the ACT 190 nomination by completing a score-based Canberra Matrix.

Once this is done, the ACT government will, on a monthly basis, issue invitations to applicants based on their score on the Matrix points test. Selected applicants can then apply for the ACT Government 190 nomination.

However, applicants need to take care when preparing their documents, as a mismatch between the documents provided at the application stage and the information provided in the Canberra Matrix can result in a refusal.

Other Features

  • The Canberra Matrix points will be locked in after submission, and cannot be updated.

  • The Canberra Matrix will have a validity of 6 months before being removed from the system.

  • There will be no waiver provisions.

  • There will be no special treatment by the ACT Government based on the expiry of English language results, skills assessments, change of age, or visa expiry.