New Zealand to ease migration rules to attract more talent

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New Zealand to ease migration rules to attract more talent

New Zealand will ease skilled migration rules to compete against developed nations luring the best global talent.

As part of the relaxation of migration rules, New Zealand will remove the cap on skilled migration and speed up the process of granting permanent residency to skilled workers.

In addition, New Zealand will simplify the points-based system used to select skilled migration candidates and speed up visa application processing times.

This will also give skilled migrants a greater sense of certainty regarding their eligibility.

Immigration Minister Michael Woods said many industries in the country are calling for skilled workers amidst a global labour shortage.

He also said removing the cap on skilled migrants settling in the country removes an artificial constraint in the old migration system.

New Zealand manages the annual number of skilled resident visas in a planning range that limits the number of skilled migrants obtaining permanent residency.

However, giving certainty to skilled migrants and their families about residency in the country is a big draw for attracting skilled workers, according to Mr Woods.

Several developed nations have boosted their intake of skilled workers following a lengthy period of international travel restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The latest changes to the skilled migration system will help New Zealand to keep up with the competition and attract skilled workers to boost the economy.

The New Zealand government’s decision to ease rules for skilled migrants comes following the labour market staying tight, particularly in the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic.

Unemployment rate in the country is near a record low, while labour force participation hit its highest in the March quarter.