Getting to grips with the Canadian way of life!

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Getting to grips with the Canadian way of life!

Upon arriving in Canada, the most common problem faced by new immigrants is getting to grips with the Canadian way of life. The differences in daily routines are noteworthy and can take a significant toll on someone acclimatizing to a new life. To help you get past any such complexities, we have compiled a list of five tips on how to hit the ground running upon landing in Canada!

1. Accept Canada as your new home

This is a deceptively simple factor which casts a shadow over the transitional period. Despite starting a happy new chapter in their lives, many find themselves shrouded in a dark and brooding cloud of homesickness. As a result, all they see in the mirror is a reflection as forlorn as the performances Manchester United put on display from time to time. This is neither good nor desirable and can have disastrous consequences on the quest to adapt to the Canadian lifestyle.

The solution – accept that Canada is your new home! Try to get to know the culture, the people, and actively participate in your new environment! Very soon after, you will find that you have become successfully integrated into the Canadian way of life!

2. Make Canadian friends!

As simple as it sounds, it is one of the best ways to fast-track into the Canadian lifestyle! Trying to tackle the situation by yourself will only exacerbate your transitional qualms. Instead, get to know the people behind the new faces around you – be it at work, class, your neighborhood or even at your local grocery store! Having friendly faces around you will enable you to make the most of your exhilaration and anticipation, and shun the negativity before it can creep in!

After all, one is never old enough to make new friends!

3. Immerse yourself in the culture and outdoor activities

Canada is a country described as having the best of both worlds; a beautiful blend of modern and quaint architecture is a sight to behold. Events and festivals are held in numbers, each better than the last, which create a magical cultural atmosphere.

A bit further away from the localization, the vast outdoors is filled with adventures promising to be the pantomime of exploring, rowing and hiking. Such is the magnitude of the beauty that you will not be able to stop yourself from gazing in wonder at the idyllic tranquility of Canada.

4. Read up on your new environment

Another way to give yourself a welcome boost in settling down is by reading up on the culture and your new surroundings – possibly before you even arrive in Canada! Having a pre-existing knowledge of your new environment will be priceless during your transitional period. With a clear idea on what to expect and how to react, you will hit the ground running from day one!

5. A little French goes a long way!

You need to have a good grasp on the English language if you are to immigrate to Canada. However, one thing many immigrants miss out on is that along with English, French is also an official language in the country! It is the second-most spoken language in Canada, and is the mother tongue of almost 21% of the Canadian population!

Even knowing the French for some of the simplest words and phrases such as “Yes”, “No” and “Thank you” can help you immensely in adjusting to the Canadian lifestyle, Oui?

In short, adjusting to the Canadian way of life can be quite straightforward. In no time at all, you can become a full-fledged Canadian, and make the most of your new life!