Express Entry: 9,275 applicants invited by IRCC in April

Express Entry: 9,275 applicants invited by IRCC in April - eduaid

Express Entry: 9,275 applicants invited by IRCC in April

Canada invited 9,275 Express Entry candidates to apply for permanent residence (PR) in April 2024.

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) conducted four Express Entry invitation draws throughout April to invite applicants to apply for Canadian PR.

The average Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) cutoff score for the four invitation rounds was 495 points.

Of the four draws held in April, two were in the general category, and two were category-based selections.

General draws

The first general draw was held on April 10th, 2024, and had a CRS cutoff score of 549 points. In this round, IRCC issued 1,280 invitations to apply (ITAs) to Express Entry candidates.

The second general draw was held on April 23rd, 2024 and had a CRS cutoff score of 529 points. IRCC issued 2,095 ITAs in this invitation round.

In total, IRCC invited 3,375 applicants in the two general Express Entry draws held in April. The average CRS cutoff score for general draws was 539 points.

Category-based draws

The first category-based draw of the month was held on April 11th, 2024, and had a CRS cutoff score of 491 points. In this round, 4,500 Express Entry applicants with science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) occupations were invited to apply for Canadian PR by IRCC.

The second category-based selection round was held on April 24th, 2024, and the CRS cutoff score was 410 points. IRCC invited 1,400 applicants with French language proficiency in this draw.

In other words, IRCC invited 5,900 candidates in the two category-based selection rounds held in April. The average CRS cutoff score for category-based invitation rounds was 450 points.


Draw Date Draw Category No. of ITAs Issued CRS Cutoff Score
10-04-2024 General 1,280 549
11-04-2024 STEM Occupations 4,500 491
23-04-2024 General 2,095 529
24-04-2024 French Language Proficiency 1,400 410


Table: Canada’s Express Entry draws held in April


As per the immigration levels plan, Canada will invite 110,770 Express Entry applicants to apply for permanent residency in 2024.

As of April, 35,970 ITAs have been issued, meaning that Canada is still set to welcome 74,800 more permanent residents via the Express Entry pathway.