Australia needs more Asian migrants

Australia immigration

Australia needs more Asian migrants

A leading economist has urged the federal government to consider far greater migration from Asian nations.
Paul Bloxham, the chief economist at HSBC Bank, said larger pools of migration from Asia could prove a boon for the economy and offset the pending cost of retiring baby boomers. Mr. Bloxham’s rationale was that Asians tended to be younger, better educated and came with skills that Australia needed. Asian people, he argued, already had a history of successful integration and could help strengthen our economic ties to many of our most important trading partners.

“Strong migration flows, particularly from fast-growing Asian nations, could help Australia deal with its demographic challenges and also strengthen links with the fastest-growing economies,â€_x009d_ Mr. Bloxham said.

However, Mr. Bloxham agreed that any substantial increase in migrants would need to be supported by increased housing, infrastructure spends and social services.

Mr. Bloxham’s comments also mirrored those of RBA governor Glenn Stevens recently when he said that Australia was facing a worker and skills shortage (not to mention the cost impost) as increasing numbers of baby boomers retire from the workplace and are not quickly replaced.

Any increase in Asian migration could also prove an opportunity for brokerages who have, in recent times, adapted their businesses to cater to Asian investors and migrants.

If you are interested in Skilled Migration, eduaid's expert team of immigration consultants is here to help for information and advice on which visa is best suited to you. You can also try our Online Assessment to see if you are eligible to apply for a Skilled Visa to Australia.

[eduaid Newsdesk, Source: TheAdviser]


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